The documentary


Resisting the big settlement

The documentary bears the title “48 | Resisting the big settlement” and was filmed in the summer of 2022 in the occupied West Bank.

It is an attempt to express the daily experience of people excluded by the apartheid regime, describing different aspects of the Israeli occupation. The idea for this documentary was born after two trips to the occupied Palestine and through our acquaintance with local freedom fighters.

“Bring our voices out” was the answer to the question “what can we do as a movement of solidarity with the Palestinian resistance?”.

We have recorded stories from 4 regions of Palestine, culminating in a collective narrative of the Palestinian resistance as an everyday practice. Through interviews, women, men and children from Nabi Saleh, Hebron, Jenin and Sheikh Jarrah talk to us about the bans on free movement, the seizure of their houses, the humiliating checkpoints, the imprisonments and the murders.

After October 7th, the people of the documentary were once attacked by the settlers and the Israeli state. Issa from Hebron was kidnapped, beaten and imprisoned, Bassem Tamimi and his daughter Ahed from Nabi Saleh were arrested, in the Jenin camp the main infrastructure was bombed while in Sheikh Jarrah house seizures and attacks by settlers intensified.

Today, the Palestinian call to “bring our voices out” becomes more urgent than ever, due to the ongoing genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank.